Phishing MalOps - Research

Phishing MalOps are triggered for behaviors that represent the attacker’s use of different techniques to achieve access to a machine.

These MalOps are part of the Research group.

Malicious execution of a shell process

The ‘Malicious execution of a shell process’ MalOp is triggered when a process is found to be running a shell process but the process itself is not a shell runner process. Phishing includes the use of shell processes as part of a phishing campaign to gain information from a machine. These campaigns convince a user to install something on their machine which then launches a shell process and gives the attacker control of the machine.

Then, the shell processes work at a different level on the machine and send commands to the machine to perform activities. The Cybereason platform detects use of shell processes, including shells with unexpected parents, elevated privileges, or shell processes deleting shadow copies.

This MalOp is part of the Research group.

Supported OS for this MalOp: Windows

Next steps: Malicious execution of a shell process

  • Investigate the process

  • Examine the process hierarchy, especially to find the root cause or start point of the activity.

Malicious document detected

The ‘Malicious document’ MalOp is triggered when a user opens or attempts to download a file that Cybereason Behavioral document protection has classified as malicious. The “Malicious document” MalOp may be triggered either when a document is scanned by Anti-Malware > Signatures mode, or when Cybereason collects data on the document as part of the Non-executable file data collection feature. For more details, see When do you use Behavioral Document Protection.

This MalOp includes behaviors like:

  • Clicking an email attachment that includes a document with malicious macros

  • Opening a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file that includes a malicious macro

Next steps: Malicious document

  • Investigate the files through the Suspicion details.

  • If Cybereason determines that the file is malicious, quarantine or remove the file.