Persistence MalOps - Research

Persistence behaviors include actions by processes to persist on a machine when the machine restarts. The MalOp types listed in this topic are triggered by various persistence behaviors.

These MalOps are part of the Research group.

Async Rat malware detected

The ‘Async Rat Malware detected’ MalOp is triggered when the Cybereason platform detects the presence or execution of suspicious behaviors by MSHTA that result in the creation of PowerShell downloader programs.

This MalOp is supported for machines running supported Windows operating systems.

Supported OS for this MalOp: Windows

Next steps: Async Rat malware detected

  • Investigate the process in question to see what other processes are created from the process.

  • Isolate the machine if necessary.

  • Kill the process to stop the creation of other PowerShell processes.

User login/logout hook detected

The ‘User login/logout hook’ MalOp is triggered when a process creates a login or logout hook on a macOS machine that enables the process to automatically persist on the machine on a user’s login or logout from the machine.

Supported OS for this MalOp: macOS

Next steps: User login/logout hook detected

  • Investigate the process in question.

  • Remove the process from the machine.