Platform Deployment


This section is meant for system administrators of the Cybereason platform when your Cybereason platform is deployed in the cloud. If you are on-premise customer, consult your Customer Success Manager for details on on-prem deployment information.

When you initially deploy the Cybereason platform, you and your team, along with Cybereason Customer Success, Technical Support, and Technical operations, deploy the necessary infrastructure to support the Cybereason platform. After deployment, Cybereason Technical Support is responsible for maintenance of your platform’s servers. This reduces the number of administrative activities that require you to take action.

As a result, some of the deployment steps may require you to take action. Others do not require you to take any action.

The deployment process contains the following steps, performed in cooperation with Customer Success, Technical Support, and Technical Operations:

  1. Download the Cybereason Deployment Questionnaire file, complete the fields, and return the file to your Customer Success representative.

  2. Cybereason Technical Operations deploys the Cybereason infrastructure in the cloud.

  3. You Enable Communication with Cybereason Servers.

  4. Your Customer Success representative provides you with login details to your Cybereason environment.

  5. Optionally install a NGAV Local Update Server for use with Cybereason NGAV-based protection.

  6. Monitor Servers and Manage Server Settings to verify that servers are connected and that the settings are correct.

  7. Verify that your endpoints meet the Pre-installation Requirements and Instructions.

  8. Deploy Sensors on your organization’s endpoints.

    For sensor best practices and prerequisites, see Best Practice for Deploying Sensors.

    Additionally, your Customer Success team can help you install Cybereason sensors.

  9. Manage Users to assign users and roles to team members who will operate the system (e.g., administrators and analysts).

  10. Define system settings including Define a Password Policy, Set Up Two-Factor Authentication, and Set Notification Preferences.

When this process is complete, your security team can log in to the Cybereason UI and begin to monitor and protect your organization.


For more information about the Cybereason deployment components, see Platform Architecture to understand the components of the Cybereason deployment.
