Cybereason Mobile on the Device

When the Cybereason Mobile sensor is installed and activated on your device, the sensor operates in the background, searching for potentially malicious behaviors of different apps. In addition, the sensor connects to a secure mobile gateway that Cybereason Mobile has set up in the cloud. This gateway helps scan the device traffic for signs of malicious behavior.

The mobile sensor requires permission from the device to access your country location. Cybereason Mobile collects your country location, but does not collect exact geolocation data.

As a result, the Cybereason Mobile sensor usually consumes less than 5% of the device’s battery life over a 24-hour period.

The Cybereason Mobile sensor displays a variety of information about your device, including information and threat-related alerts:

General status information about the device:

Main screen in the Mobile app

Updates that the device is protected:

Mobile device alert showing the device is protected

A list of all alerts and notifications:

Mobile app list of items

Alerts about a specific threat detection:

Mobile threat alert

Data for these threat detections and alerts is also sent to your Cybereason platform, where you can see evidence, suspicions, and MalOps related to these threat alerts.

However, the sensor does not continuously send data from connected devices to the core Cybereason platform, to minimize the amount of network usage from the device.

In addition, the sensor performs automatic prevention operations.