Monitor Integration Health

After you add your integrations in Cybereason XDR, you want to monitor the status of the integrations to ensure that the integrations are still communicating with and sending data to Cybereason XDR on a continuous basis.

To get a high-level and immediate view of your integration statuses, you should first look at the XDR Dashboard screen, in the Integrations by Health Status graph.

This graph takes the statuses reported for each integration and shows the number of integrations in each status.

To view specific integrations in each status, click on the section in the graph to open up the My Integrations tab in the Cybereason Connect screen:

My Integrations tab in the Connect screen

From the My Integrations tab, you can view each integration’s status as needed instead of an overall summary of the number of integrations per status (as is shown in the XDR Dashboard screen).

If there are errors in a particular integration, click the row with the integration to display the Access Details for the integration. Included in the Access Details are the error details for the integration:

Error details for an integration error

For integrations that use a cloud feed, the Access Details should pinpoint the error, such as invalid credentials, insufficient permissions, and so forth. For integrations that use an on-site collector, the error messages will be more general, as Cybereason XDR does not have the visibility into the VM machine on your network.

To help solve the errors, follow the suggestions in the LINK TO TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE as needed.