Manage Incident Response and Forensic Data Ingestion Tools with the Platform


To use the incident response tool or data ingestion tool management features, you can add the DFIR package to your instance of the Cybereason platform for an additional cost or request an Express IR environment (partners only). Contact your Customer Success representative to request access to this package or for details on how to submit the request, see How to Request a Cybereason Express IR Environment.

With the Cybereason platform’s incident response (IR) and forensic data ingestion tool management features, you can use the IR Tools screen to manage the IR process:

  • Add tools to your Cybereason platform for later deployment

  • Deploy tools to select machines as needed

  • Run tools as needed on selected machines

  • Retrieve and upload tool execution results to your own GCP bucket

The IR Tools screen also provides you two different tabs to manage the IR tool/forensic data ingestion tool process:

  • Tools tab: Use this tab to add and deploy tools across your organization as needed.

  • Deployed Machines tab: Use this tab to run the tools, manage the deployment status per machine, and extract results from a tool execution.


The IR Tools screen supports the deployment and running of tools on up to 5,000 endpoint machines. If you need to deploy and run the tools on more than 5,000 machines, you should use the API to perform these operations.

The use of IR and Forensic data ingestion tools is supported on Windows and Linux machines.

The forensic data ingestion tool package provided with your DFIR purchase includes the Velociraptor agent, an open-source forensic investigation tool, which regularly undergoes Cybereason performance and security testing. Any issues with the Velociraptor agent are the responsibility of and will be resolved by Rapid7 and the Velociraptor team.

Request an Express IR environment (partners only)

As a Cybereason partner, to use the IR tool management features, you must request a special Express IR environment created for IR engagements. To request an Express IR environment, see How to Request a Cybereason Express IR Environment.

When your environment is ready, you receive an email with details on how to access the environment. You can then deploy Cybereason sensors to assist with the IR effort.

The IR tools environment contains the following:




The environment contains two default users:

  • The default admin user ( with the default password. This user has the Super user role with the permissions of all other roles.

  • The user you list when creating the environment. This user has the following roles:

    • User admin

    • L3 analyst

    • System admin

    • Policy admin

    • Responder L2

    • Executive

  • The API user ( with the default password. This user has the API user role.

LiveFile Search

Live File Search is enabled for the admin and special user requested when creating the environment.

Remote Shell

Unrestricted Remote Shell mode is enabled.

Endpoint controls

The Endpoint controls section for sensor policies is enabled.

MalOp Grouping

MalOp grouping of similar MalOps is enabled.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA is globally enabled for the environment (as seen in the Security Policy screen).

IR tools management

All IR tools deployment and management capabilities are enabled.

DGA detection

Domain classification evaluation is enabled. This feature assists with detection of DGA activity.

Enable the DFIR module

If you do not use an Express IR environment as a Cybereason IR partner, you can purchase and enable the DFIR package in your environment.


To enable the DFIR package, you must upgrade your environment to a higher Cybereason version from its current version.

Open a Technical Support to upgrade your environment and add the DFIR package to your environment. As part of the DFIR package enablement, incident response tool management features are also enabled for your environment.

Environment prerequisities

In your environment in which you use IR tool deployment, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • Endpoint machines must have the GeoTrust RSA CA 2018 Intermediate CA and DigiCert Global Root CA certificates in the machine’s operating system certificate store.

  • If your network uses mechanism such as certificate pinning, SSL inspection, or other mechanisms that use TLS termination, you must ensure that TLS termination is canceled for any traffic from the endpoint machine to the Cybereason platform.

Prepare your Linux machines

If you use the Incident Response tool management features on Linux machines, ensure you have the required packages installed on your machine. For details on these packages, see Install required packages (Linux).

Deploy Cybereason sensors

To ensure that the IR tool deployment functions smoothly, you must install Cybereason sensors on all machines that are involved an IR process.

For details on sensor deployment, see Deploy Sensors.


When allowing the sensor to communicate with the Cybereason Detection and Registration servers within your organization’s network, you must also allow the sensor to communicate with the Cybereason CMS service. For more information on allowing sensor communication, see the Configure your firewall and network to allow sensor communication (all OSs).

Enable IR tools in a sensor policy

In a designated sensor policy, in the Response settings section of the sensor policy, enable the Manage Incident Response Tools option.

After you enable this option, ensure that you assign the specific policy to the sensors you want to include in the IR engagement.

Assign the Responder L2 role

IR tool management tasks are available for users with the Responder L2 role. This role enforces two-factor (TFA) for each user with the Responder role or requires you to enable SSO for a user.

User admins assign the Responder L2 role to Cybereason users from the Users screen.


Users with the Responder L2 role cannot be assigned the Sensor Admin L1, Local Analyst L1, Local Analyst L2, or Local Responder roles.

Add a tool package

To run an IR tool on any machine with a Cybereason sensor, you must add the tool package to the Cybereason platform. You specify the name and default configuration for the package when it is deployed to machines later.

To add a tool package, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the package file for the IR tool is present on the machine from which you access the IR Tools screen.


    The tool package file must be smaller than 100 MB to upload.

  2. In your Cybereason platform, navigate to the IR Tools screen.

    Navigation for the IR Tools screen

  3. In the IR Tools screen, click Add Tool.

    Upload an IR tool to your Cybereason platform

  4. In the Add Tool pane, give the tool package a unique name and optional description.

    Add tool options before entering any options


    You must provide a unique name for each tool, even if it is a different version of the same tool program.

  5. In the Package file edit field, click Choose file and select the tool package.

  6. In the Tool run commands section, optionally add details on the run configuration for this package:

    • The Program name used to run the package

      If you are running your own tool packages, you do not need to add a value in this field. You should use this field when you are using another program to run your package.


      If you want to run script files as your tool package, Cybereason recommends that you use this field to specify the specific application or program that should run the script. Adding the program name ensures that the Cybereason platform loads the correct script interpreter instead of a default system shell.

    • Command line arguments to use when the tool runs


      If the commands you want to use contain a backslash character in the command, ensure you add an escape character around the string with the quotes. For example, if you have this command –tsource C –target EvidenceOfExecution –tdest C:CybereasonForensicsKape, you need to add an escape character with the backslash string, so the string will now be the C:\CybereasonForensics\Kape string. You can also use the forward slash without the escape character, such as C:/CybereasonForensics/Kape.

    • Location for the results file to which to write the collected data after the tool finishes running.

      If you leave this field empty, the sensor writes the output for the tool execution to the default sensor directory on the endpoint. For example, on Windows machines, the sensor adds the results in the C:/ProgramData/apv2/IRToolsOutput/IRTOOLS.<packageName>/ folder.

    Default options for an IR tool deployment

    The values you enter in this section are used as the default run configuration for tool execution. You can use other commands in a specific execution later as needed. If you do not provide command line arguments or a result directory later when running the tool, the default you enter here is used.


    If you have an existing tool package already deployed to the Cybereason platform, you can upgrade the existing package using this same process. When upgrading the existing tool, change the package.

  7. Click Add.

The tool package is added in the list of available tool packages.

It may take a short period of time to see the tool package display in the list of deployed packages, depending on your internet connection on the machine from which you are adding this package file.

You will see additional tools in the list of available tools that you did not deploy yourself. These are the out-of-the-box forensic data ingestion tools included with your DFIR package:

Pre-deployed forensic tools in your DFIR package

Deploy a tool package

After you upload the tool package to your Cybereason platform, you can deploy the package as needed on an ongoing basis. This enables you to save the package on your Cybereason platform as needed but deploy to different sets of machines as the needed arises.

You should use this option when you select the Static deployment type when you add a package. To deploy a tool package, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools screen , click Deploy Tool.

    Option to deploy a specific tool

  2. In the Deploy Tool pane, select the tool to deploy.

  3. In the Deployment Type section, select the maner in which to deploy the tool:

    Deployment type



    Deploy tools automatically on a rolling, ongoing basis as other machines become available (e.g. online). If you select this option, each time a sensor that matches the selected operating system comes online, the Cybereason platform deploys the package file to the new sensor.

    If you want to deploy the tool to all machines of a specific type, such as all Windows machines, you use this option.


    Deploy tools manually a single time to a specific set of machines.

    If you want to deploy the tool a specifically target set of machines one time, use this option.

    If you select this option, you can deploy up to 50 machines in a single deployment.

    If you use Sensor tampering protection in your environment, ensure for each IR tool that you specify a directory for the results files. By default, if you do not specify a results file location, the tool results are saved to the sensor folder, which is protected against any write operations. As a result, leaving the output directory option blank will cause any tool execution to fail.

    For forensics data ingestion tools, the results file is saved to the C:ProgramDatacrdfir folder.

  4. If you select the Dynamic deployment type, in the Machines to deploy on field, select the type of operating system to which to deploy the tool:

    Select the set of machines on which to deploy the tool

    In addition, in the OS Versions field, select the operating system versions to which to deploy the tool:

    Select the OS types to which to deploy a tool

    For example, if you select Windows for the Machines to deploy on option, in the OS Versions option, you can select Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and so forth.


    If you select this option for the tool package, you will not be able to modify the type later to the Static option. For example, if you use this option to deploy a tool to all your Windows 10 machines, but later you want to deploy a tool to an additional number of machines that are not Windows 10 machines, you can add the tool again with a different package name and select the Static deployment type.

  5. If you select Static for the deployment type, in the Machines to deploy on section, select the filter by which to set the machine list:




    Select the type of operating system to which to deploy the tool.

    After you select the operating system type, if needed in the OS Versions field, select the relevant versions for the operating system type.

    Machine name

    Select the machine name string to which to deploy the tool.

    You select an operator (Is Not, Is, Not Contains or Contains) and the string that is in the machine name.


    Add a CSV file with specific machine names to which to deploy the tool.

    In your CSV file, in each line, add the sensor ID in the Cybereason platform uses for the sensor. You can retrieve a list of sensor IDs for all your sensors in the System > Sensors screen.

    Click Choose File and navigate to the file.

  6. Click Deploy.


You can deploy a tool to a maximum of 1000 machines in a single deployment operation.

For each deployment type, before you click Deploy, you can also view the list of machines to which the tool will deploy when you finalize the deployment configuration. This list displays in the System > Sensors screen.

View the machines to which the deploy will be sent

The deployment grid in the Tools tab adds the deployment type for the tool, and updates the deployment status and details as the deployment progresses:

Deployment details for a deployment operation

If you would like to view the deployment status of various machines for each tool, select the Deployed Machines tab:

Deployed machines tab in the IR tools screen

You select the tool name and the Cybereason platform updates the list of target machines for the deployment, including the deployment status, sensor status, and deployment details.

Run a tool package

Once the tool is successfully deployed to the appropriate machines, you can run the tool on selected machines.

You can use the default configuration included with the tool package when you uploaded the tool or specify a unique run configuration for each tool package execution.

To run a tool package, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools screen, in the Deployed Machines tab, click New Run.

    Start a new tool run

  2. In the New Run pane, in the Select Tool field, select the tool to run.

  3. Below the Select Tool field, update the tool run configuration as needed.

    Start a new tool run

    When you select the tool, you see the tool, you see the default configuration when you uploaded and deployed the tool. You can edit these values as needed.

  4. In the Select machines field, select the machines on which to run the tool:

    Select the machines on which to run a tool

  5. Click Run.

The Cybereason platform sends the command to the tool package on the machine and the tool runs. You can verify the status of the tool execution in the package grid in the Tools tab:

Select the machines on which to run a tool

Upload results to a GCP bucket

After you finish the execution of a tool and collect the results, you are able to upload the results to your own dedicated GCP bucket.

To upload results to a GCP bucket, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools screen, open the Deployed Machines tab.

  2. In the Deployed Machines tab, click the Upload Results to GCP button.

    Option to add results to GCP

  3. In the Upload Results to GCP pane, in the Selected tool edit box, select the tool from which you want to upload results.

    Select the tool from which to upload results to GCP

  4. In the Select machines edit field, select the machines from which to retrieve results to upload:

    Select the machines from which to upload results to GCP

  5. In the Path with files to upload edit field, enter the path to the results file (if needed):

    Enter the path to the results file to upload results to GCP

  6. Click Upload Files.

The Cybereason platform uploads the files to your GCP bucket for you to retrieve later.

If you want to see the details of your GCP bucket, in the Account Details section at the top of the Upload Results to GCP pane, expand the section to view the address for the bucket and the service account key.

GCP bucket details

Delete a tool package

After you have completed the work with your IR tool, you can remove these tools from endpoint machines.

To remove a tool package, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools tab, in the tool deployment grid, in the row with your tool name, click the three dots to display more options:

    Machine options for a IR tool

  2. In the menu options, select Delete Tool.

When you delete the tool package, the Cybereason platform deletes the tool from the saved tools on the platform and removes the package from endpoint machines.

View results from a tool package execution

When the incident response tool or forensic data ingestion tool runs, the tool sends the results of the tool execution to the directory that you specified in the tool execution configuration when you started the tool execution.

After the tool execution is complete, you can view the tool results file on each machine.

To view results, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools screen, select the Deployed Machines tab.

  2. In the Deployed Machines tab, in the tool selector list, select the name of your tool package.

    Select a tool to view deployed machines

    The machine list updates depending on the tool name.

  3. In the machine list, in the row for the machine, click the three dots to display the menu options:

    Machine options for a IR tool

  4. Select View Results Files.

The Cybereason platform opens a new browser tab to the directory where the results files were saved. You can view and extract the result files from there as needed.

Investigate a machine

Depending on what you learn during the IR or data ingestion tool execution, you may want to investigate a machine further to learn more about what is happening on the machine.

To investigate a machine, follow these steps:

  1. In the IR Tools screen, select the Deployed Machines tab.

  2. In the Deployed Machines tab, in the tool selector list, select the name of your package:

    Select a tool to view deployed machines

    The machine list updates depending on the tool name.

  3. In the machine list, in the row for the machine, click the three dots to display the menu options:

    Machine options for a IR tool

  4. Select Browse Machine Folders or Machine Investigation View.

    If you select Browse Machine Folders, the Cybereason platform opens a separate browser tab, displaying the folder structure.

    If you select Machine Investigation View, the Cybereason platform builds and runs an investigation query for that machine, and displays the query results automatically for your to analyze further.