Manage Incident Response Tools with the API


To use the Incident Response tool management features, you can add the DFIR package to your instance of the Cybereason platform for an additional cost or request an Express IR environment (partners only). Contact your Customer Success or Partner Success representative to request access to this package.

With the Cybereason platform’s incident response (IR) tool management features, you can deploy and run tools with the Cybereason sensor’s internal architecture. This topic describes the steps necessary to manage the IR tool process with your Cybereason platform.


You can also manage incident response tools with the Cybereason platform’s main console. For details on how to use IR Tools screen to manage these tools, see Manage Incident Response and Forensic Data Ingestion Tools with the Platform.

After your Cybereason platform is created with IR support enabled and you install sensors, you can use your IR tools with the Cybereason platform.

The use of Incident Response tools is supported on:

  • Windows machines

  • Linux machines

Request an Express IR environment (partners only)

As a Cybereason partner, to use the IR tool management features, you must request a special Express IR environment created for IR engagements. To request an Express IR environment, see How to Request a Cybereason Express IR Environment.

When your environment is ready, you receive an email with details on how to access the environment. You can then deploy Cybereason sensors to assist with the IR effort.

The IR tools environment contains the following:




The environment contains two default users:

  • The default admin user ( with the default password. This user has the Super user role with the permissions of all other roles.

  • The user you list when creating the environment. This user has the following roles:

    • User admin

    • L3 analyst

    • System admin

    • Policy admin

    • Responder L2

    • Executive

  • The API user ( with the default password. This user has the API user role.

LiveFile Search

Live File Search is enabled for the admin and special user requested when creating the environment.

Remote Shell

Unrestricted Remote Shell mode is enabled.

Endpoint controls

The Endpoint controls section for sensor policies is enabled.

MalOp Grouping

MalOp grouping of similar MalOps is enabled.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA is globally enabled for the environment (as seen in the Security Policy screen).

IR tools management

All IR tools deployment and management capabilities are enabled.

DGA detection

Domain classification evaluation is enabled. This feature assists with detection of DGA activity.

Enable the DFIR module

If you do not use an Express IR environment as a Cybereason IR partner, you can purchase and enable the DFIR package in your environment.


To enable the DFIR package, you must upgrade your environment to a higher Cybereason version from its current version.

Open a Technical Support to upgrade your environment and add the DFIR package to your environment. As part of the DFIR package enablement, incident response tool management features are also enabled for your environment.

Environment prerequisities

In your environment in which you use IR tool deployment, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • Endpoint machines must have the GeoTrust RSA CA 2018 Intermediate CA and DigiCert Global Root CA certificates in the machine’s operating system certificate store.

  • If your network uses mechanism such as certificate pinning, SSL inspection, or other mechanisms that use TLS termination, you must ensure that TLS termination is canceled for any traffic from the endpoint machine to the Cybereason platform.

Prepare your Linux machines

If you use the Incident Response tool management features on Linux machines, ensure you have the required packages installed on your machine. For details on these packages, see Install required packages (Linux).

Deploy Cybereason sensors

To ensure that the IR tool deployment functions smoothly, you must install Cybereason sensors on all machines that are involved an IR process.

For details on sensor deployment, see Deploy Sensors.


When allowing the sensor to communicate with the Cybereason Detection and Registration servers within your organization’s network, you must also allow the sensor to communicate with the Cybereason CMS service. For more information on allowing sensor communication, see the Configure your firewall and network to allow sensor communication (all OSs).

Enable IR tools in a sensor policy

In a designated sensor policy, in the Response settings section of the sensor policy, enable the Manage Incident Response Tools option.

After you enable this option, ensure that you assign the specific policy to the sensors you want to include in the IR engagement.

Assign the Responder L2 role

IR tool management tasks are available for users with the Responder L2 role. This role enforces two-factor (TFA) for each user with the Responder role or requires you to enable SSO for a user.

User admins assign the Responder L2 role to Cybereason users from the Users screen.


Users with the Responder L2 role cannot be assigned the Sensor Admin L1, Local Analyst L1, Local Analyst L2, or Local Responder roles.

Log in using the UI with the L2 Responder user

After a user admin assigns the L2 Responder role to your user, you log in to the platform using the standard login flow.

After you enter your username and password:

  • On the first login, the platform displays a 16 character key. Enter this key into your TOTP authentication program or app, which will generate a one-time code that the user should enter.

  • On subsequent logins, enter the one-time code from your authentication program or app.

Log in using the API with the L2 Responder user

The login steps for the API differ depending on whether this is the first time you log in or subsequent times.

Log in the first time as the L2 responder user

  1. Log out with the API of the Cybereason platform or remove the JSESSION ID cookie from your REST API client.

  2. Log in using the API with the new L2 Responder user. For details on how to log in with the API, see Log in with the API.

  3. In the response for the login request, locate the sid-number section:

    <div class="sid-number">
             <span style="width: 10px;"></span>
             <span style="width: 10px;"></span>
             <span style="width: 10px;"></span>
  4. From the sid-number section, combine the key parts between each span tag.

    In the example above, the full key would be XZYHZ6UIHG3VX6M6.

    This key is the key you use in your authentication utility or app for the email address associated with the Responder L2 user.

  5. In the authentication utility or app of your choice, set up two factor authentication for the email for the Responder L2 user, using the key you built from the previous login request.

    Cybereason supports Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) for user accounts using Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) applications. Cybereason TFA supports TOTP applications that support RFC 4226.

  6. Login with two-factor authentication. For details on how to log in with two-factor authentication with the API, see Log in with the API with TFA.

    The Cybereason platform returns a JSESSION ID that you can reference in subsequent requests.

After you perform these steps you can perform any other IR tasks using the Cybereason platform.

Log in after the first time as the L2 responder user

  1. Log in using the API with the L2 Responder user. For details on how to log in with the API, see Log in with the API.

  2. Login with two-factor authentication. For details on how to log in with two-factor authentication with the API, see Log in with the API with TFA.

    The Cybereason platform returns a JSESSION ID that you can reference in subsequent requests.

After you perform these steps you can perform any other IR tasks using the Cybereason platform.

Upload and deploy IR tools

To enable you to run an IR tool on any machine with a Cybereason sensor, you must upload the tool package to the Cybereason platform. As part of the upload process, the Cybereason platform deploys the package to the machine.

To upload and deploy an IR tool, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the package file for the IR tool is present on the machine from which you will run the API request to upload the IR tool, and that the tool package file is smaller than 100 MB.

  2. In your REST API client or script, create the request to upload and deploy the execution. Ensure that you give the tool package deployment a unique name.

    For details on the API endpoint to upload and deploy an IR tool, see the Upload and Deploy a Tool Package topic in the API documentation.


    If you have an existing tool package already deployed to the Cybereason platform, you can upgrade the existing package using this same process. When upgrading the existing tool, change the name of the file but make sure that the Operating System filter remains the same. Cybereason does not support the upgrade of a tool with a different Operating System filter.

  3. Run the request or script using your REST API client or automation framework.

You can track the upload status of an IR tool to the Cybereason platform with the Retrieve the List of Supported Forensic Tools API endpoint. In addition, you can track the deployment process of a IR tool package using the Monitor Incident Response Tool Deployment on Endpoints API endpoint.

Monitor IR tool deployment on endpoints

You can use the Cybereason API to monitor the deployment process and ensure the tool package deploys correctly. For details on the API endpoint to monitor deployment, see the Monitor Incident Response Tool Deployment on Endpoints topic in the API documentation.

Run an IR tool

Once the tool is successfully uploaded to the Cybereason platform and deployed to the appropriate machines, you can run the tool on selected machines.

To run an IR tool on a machine, follow these steps:

  1. In your REST API client or script, create the request to run the IR tool. For details on using the API endpoint to run the IRtool, see the Run an Incident Response Tool topic in the API documentation.

    In your API request body, ensure that you run the tool on a specific sensor or a filtered group of sensors, but not both. Specifying a specific sensor and a filtered group of sensors will cause the request to fail.

    If you use Sensor tampering protection in your environment, ensure for each IR tool that you specify a directory for the results files. By default, if you do not specify a results file location, the tool results are saved to the sensor folder, which is protected against any write operations. As a result, leaving the output directory option blank will cause any tool execution to fail.

  2. Run the request or script using your REST API client or automation framework.

The response for the request to run an IR tool contains a batch number which indicates the successful initiation of the IR tool action on selected endpoints. In order to monitor the execution status of the tool on endpoints, see the Monitor Incident Response Tool Execution reference topic in the API documentation.

Monitor IR tool execution on endpoints

You can use the Cybereason API to monitor the execution of the tool and ensure the tool package runs correctly. Monitoring the incident response tool execution is supported only for endpoints on which the Cybereason sensor is installed. For details, see the Monitor Incident Response Tool Execution reference topic in the API documentation.

You can also verify the status of the IR tool execution in the Action log in the Sensors screen.

Upload IR tool results

Once a tool successfully runs on an endpoint, you can upload the results to a predefined Google Cloud Platform (GCP) bucket.

To load the results to the GCP bucket, follow these steps:

  1. In your REST API client or script, create the request to load the results. For details on the API endpoint to load the results, see the Load Results for an Incident Response Tool Execution reference topic in the API documentation.

  2. Run the request or script using your REST API client or automation framework.

The maximum allowed size for the results file is 1.2 GB.

Retrieve the results from the GCP bucket

When the IR tool runs, the tool sends the results of the tool execution to the directory that you specified in the tool execution API request or to the default directory that the program uses.

After you uploaded results to GCP bucket from relevant endpoints by running the Load Results for an Incident Response Tool Execution API, you can now retrieve you results from the GCP bucket.

By default, the Cybereason platform searches for results files with a .zip extension to send to the bucket. If you need to use other file extensions for results sets, open a Technical Support case and note the file extensions you need for your results files.

To retrieve the results data from the GCP bucket, follow these steps:

  1. In your REST API client or script, create the request to load the results. For details on using the API endpoint to load the results, see the Retrieve Credentials for a GCP Bucket topic in the API documentation.

  2. Run the request or script using your REST API client or automation framework.

    The Cybereason platform returns a JSON object with credential information for the GCP bucket.

  3. Use the provided credential information to access the bucket using the GCP API. For details on the available options for the GCP API, see your Google Cloud Platform documentation.

    For example, you save the service account details in a file named ir_resultsoutput_access.json. Then, in a command window, access the GCP service account using this command:

    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file='<name of file with JSON response details>'

    In the sample command above, update the JSON file name with the file name you used.

    Likewise, you could list the bucket contents using this command:

    gsutil ls gs://<bucket name>

    In the sample command above, use the bucket name you received in the request to retrieve the GCP bucket credentials.

Remove IR tools

After you have completed the work with your IR tool, you can remove these tools from endpoint machines. For details on the API endpoint to remove these tools, see Remove an Incident Response Tool.

When you remove the IR tool, you delete the tool from endpoint machines and remove the package from your Cybereason environment.