Set the Personal Firewall Control Levels

You manage Personal firewall control modes and access rules directly in a sensor policy.

Enable Personal firewall control

  1. In your sensor policy, navigate to the Endpoint controls screen.

  2. In the Endpoint Controls screen, locate the Personal firewall control section and set the toggle to On.

    Personal Firewall Control Enabled

    When you switch the Personal firewall control toggle to On, the Domains, Private Networks, and Public Networks checkboxes are automatically selected.


When you enable Personal firewall control on a policy for Linux endpoint machines, the Cybereason platform deletes any firewall rules that previously existed on the endpoint.


Enabling Personal Firewall in the sensor policy will not take affect if Windows Defender Firewall is disabled by the local/organizational IT policy.

Select network types for custom firewall rules

To apply the firewall rules to network profiles, select or clear the checkboxes for the different network types. For example, if you want to enable firewall control on private and domain network types only, clear the Public networks option and leave the Private networks and Domain checkboxes selected.

Every custom rule for a personal firewall may apply either to a specific network profile or to all network profiles. For more details, see Custom firewall rules - fields description.

Add custom firewall rules

To create custom firewall rules, see Custom Firewall Rules.